The programme (PDF format) includes the timings of papers, workshops, tutorials, conference tours and social events, while details about each of the presentations are in this book of abstracts (PDF).
The outline schedule is as follows:
- Saturday 5th October: IASA Executive Board and Technical Committee meetings (closed)
- Sunday 6th October: Start of conference; IASA special interest meetings open to all delegates; conference reception
- Monday 7th October: IASA General Assembly I; inaugural addresses, keynote address, conference papers and workshops; BAAC board meeting (closed)
- Tuesday 8th October: BAAC General Meeting; conference papers and tutorial; professional visits to key AV institutions in Vilnius
- Wednesday 9th October: Conference papers, workshops and tutorials
- Thursday 10th October: Conference papers; IASA General Assembly II; Board, Sections & Committee meeting; evening social dinner. End of conference
- Friday 11th October: IASA Executive Board meeting (closed)